Rooms & Rates

Monthly Rehearsal Spaces

Surreal Sound Studios offers monthly, 24 hour, secure and sound dampened rehearsal spaces. Subletting is welcome. Leases are on a month-to-month basis. Spaces are first come, first serve so contact us today to schedule a tour and confirm availability.

Monthly rehearsal prices depend on room and availability. Please call or email.

Hourly Rehearsal Spaces

Surreal Sound Studios is a full service hourly music rehearsal facility. We provide state of the art equipment and a positive environment to create and network. Our hourly spaces are sound dampened, secure, and air conditioned.

Hours of operation are: 4:30pm-midnight M-F and 12noon-midnight weekends; however bookings are by appointment only. Hourly studios can be booked by using our Request A Room form or by calling the office at (215) 288-8863/leaving a voicemail. Please read/review the info on the top of our Request Form, when submitting a booking.


Hourly rehearsal is currently $20/hr. cash only.

Cancellation Policy: The online booking form is not monitored, so cancellations MUST be made by calling the office/leaving a message. Less than 24hr. notice, failure to speak to us/leave a message, or no show will incur a $30 fee payable on the next rehearsal booked.

Equipment brands in our hourly rooms rotate but rooms will always be equipped with drum kit, bass rig, guitar amp(s), mic stands, mics & PA. Musicians only need to bring their instruments and cords; drummers bring their own sticks and cymbals. Keyboard amps may be available upon request but not guaranteed.